The Cinema Hog: From Stage to Screen: A Look at Musical to Film Adaptations

This is for all you theater kids out there. The idea of musicals on stage being reimagined for a film is not a new idea. It has been done for centuries and has made people either awed to be back in that musical’s world or complaining that a song or story plot is not there. From hearing the people sing the song of angry men, to sometimes having to be a little bit naughty. These are the musical film adaptations that got the closest and that captured the essence of the musical. Before we start these are my honorable mentions and some that did not make the cut and why.

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The Cinema Hog
7 Movies that Shouldn’t Exist

Ah, Hollywood; The place of new ideas, old ideas, and mostly no ideas at all recently. Hollywood over the years has had directors wanting to make their mark in cinema history. Some have like the great Steven Speilberg, Martin Scorsese, and Christopher Nolan. Sometimes we get those directors who wanted their dream on the screen that maybe should not be on the screen. And the question you're probably wondering is, are these visions and dreams good? To answer; No, 100% no. In my opinion, here is the list of movies that should not have even made it past the pitch.

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The Cinema Hog
Bullet Train (2022)

In this review, Brendan Hohner gives an in depth review about this new movie that hit the big screen called “Bullet Train.” Starring Brad Pitt, this movie has gotten a lot of love recently with its action packed scenes an thrilling endings.

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A Quiet Place 2 (2021)

The second installment of John Krasinski’s A Quiet Place franchise was released over Memorial Day break. This film has been delayed multiple times over the past year, but it has finally been released and it was definitely made to be seen in the theater.

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BLACKPINK: Light Up the Sky Review

Though I’ll happily bop to “DDU-DU DDU-DU” any day of the week, I’ll also be reminded every time I listen to it, or any other Blackpink song, just how much hardship went for the group to even see the light of day.

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