Yearbooks are ON SALE NOW!
Yearbooks are ON SALE NOW! 〰️
Class of 2025 Yearbook Page
Class of 2025 Senior Bio Review
Senior Bio Review is Now OVER!
(Contact Mr. Ambrosio with any questions or concerns about your senior bio or yearbook portrait)
Senior Section and Club Photos LAST CALL
Senior Section and Club Photos LAST CALL 〰️
Submit YOUR Photos to the 2025 Yearbook!
HS Clubs: Submit Photos and Officers Here — LAST CALL
Submit Baby Pics, Senior Cars, etc. — LAST CALL
Submit Sports and Other (Non-Senior Section) Images
Parent Ad Purchase Info:
Need Help Building Your Yearbook Parent Ad? Watch this video from Walsworth!
Parent Ad Pricing (All ads are full color) — AD Deadline: 1/31/25*
*Parent Ad Sales END 1/31/25 (but the purchase portal will stay open through Sunday, Feb. 4, to iron out any tech-kinks people might be having. :-)
1/8 Page: $75
1/4 Page: $125
1/2 Page : $200
FULL Page: $350*
If you’re interested in designing your own, completed ad and uploading a .jpeg or .png file, here are the specs in Picas with 300dpi resolution:
1/8 Page: 24p6 x 15
1/4 Page: 24p6 x 33
1/2 Page: 50 x 33
Full Page: 50 x 67
*SPECIAL OFFER: You may purchase a 2-page ad ‘spread’ that crosses over two consecutive FULL pages (details below)!
This is a great way to celebrate GROUPS of students and leave an impact in the class of 2025 yearbook, especially if your child’s sports or activities are limited this year resulting in limited coverage in the traditional sections of the book.
SAVE $100 if you design your own “2-page spread” on an image canvas of 19.5” x 12.5,” purchase it, and submit it directly through Harborfields HS.
Contact Mr. Ambrosio at with questions and to purchase your 2-page spread at the discounted price of $600.
Book Purchase Info:
Online Purchase PRICING AND Dates
Sept.—Oct.: $99 (Earlybird Special - FREE name stamp during the month of September)
Nov.—Dec.: $115
Jan.---May: $129(online sales END 5/31/25)·
Email Mr. Ambrosio with questions or concerns about senior sections and/or your bio/pic.
Why purchase the book online?
Students who purchase online by May 31st will get their book on the FIRST day of distribution (which is tentatively scheduled for June 12, 2025)… seniors starting at 7:30; underclassmen at noon.
If you wait to purchase in school, the first day for in-school purchases is June 13, 2025 (or one day AFTER the first distribution day for online purchases).
The book is cheaper online vs. $145 in school.
You can use a card online; in-school purchases are cash or check only (made out to Harborfields HS).